Use the videos below to inform communications staff, non-communications staff and organizational leadership   about the Message House Method. Topics include include:

  • What Message Houses are good for
  • Overview of the Message House Method
  • Explanation of the Message House Word Template
  • Information about the Message House Workshop
  • A video testimonial about why “Message Houses rock”

Feel free to use any of these videos to explain and promote the Message House Method.

Video #1: What Message Houses are good for

Audience: Project and organizational leaders
Purpose: Explains the organizational reasons for using Message Houses.
This video addresses the rationale for Message Houses from there perspective of a team leader or an organization’s leader. It explains the main reasons behind poor messaging discipline. It is less focused on the actual practicalities of using or making message houses.

Video #2: Overview of the Message House Method

Audience: Communication professionals and others who will create Message Houses
Purpose: Explains the structured approach to message generation and the use of the house metaphor
This video is meant to be viewed by a communications professional. Explains the structured approach to generating optimal messages. Also explains the use of the visual Message House metaphor. This is suitable for those who will be in charge of creating Message Houses. It is not intended as a video for the end user of messages houses within an organization or team.

Video #3: Explaining the Message House method to a team

Audience: Message House end users
Purpose: Explains the method to those who will actually use Message Houses in their day-today work (e.g. team members, general staff).
This video explains the Message House method to teams (including communicators and non-communicators) who should use message houses. Conveys the practical ways of using messages houses. Does not focus on making messages or the structured Message House approach to generating optimal messages. This video is best suited for the end users of message houses in an organization.

Video #4: Explanation of the Message House Word Template

Audience: Communication professionals and others who will create Message Houses
Purpose: Explain actual use of the free Microsoft Word Template
This video is intended for those who will create Message Houses and want to use the free Microsoft Word template. It shows how messages can simply be typed into the Word template. It does not explain the structured approach to using Message Houses.

Video #5: Learn about the Message House Workshop

Audience: Leaders in charge of programming events
Purpose: Explain the value of the Message House Workshop
This video is intended for event organizers who may consider including a Message House workshop. It briefly explains the rationale for using Messages House to create greater efficiency and effectiveness. Promotes the Message House workshop.

Video #6: Why Message Houses Rock

Audience: Leaders, communicators and general team members (anyone, really).
Purpose: Conveys the usefulness of the method in an enthusiastic way.
This is a testimonial about the usefulness of Message Houses. This is useful for all audiences, including management and end users of Message Houses.