You would be more relaxed and confident. It’s only when we need praise and approval that we get nervous. That’s why a “giving” mindset makes you a far better public speaker.
It is what the Joyful Speaking ™ method is all about.
[vimeo id=”115355991″] You already know how to speak in a “giving” way because you do it all the time:- When sharing something funny with a friend;
- When sitting at the dinner table and talking about work;
- When telling a loved one how much you care.
All of these cases have in common that we are not anxious about how we will be judged. Instead we are focused on our message. We are in the moment.
We are in a mode of giving, rather than wanting.

Imagine if public speaking felt like sharing a story with friends around a campfire.
Joyful Speaking uses a simple approach to being in a “giving mindset” for any presentation. With a sense of “giving”, instead the anxiety of “wanting” you will be a far better public speaker!
During the training you will:
- Develop your own “centering sequence” to put yourself in the “Joyful Speaking” mindset at once, anytime, anywhere.
- Learn to review video recordings of your rehearsals and improve them without judging.
- Work on other public speaking skills as well, such as your intonation, openings and closings, speaking pace, body language, and storytelling.
As a result of the Joyful Speaking training you will:
- Speak with confidence and impact.
- Connect with your audience.
- Enjoy the act of public speaking.
As little as one 2-hour training session can make you a better public speaker.
To learn more, please contact us using the form below. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
[visibility type=”hidden-phone”] Joyful Speaking is a different approach to public speaking training offered by The Message House, a communications firm based in Miami Beach, Florida.
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